(binhthuan.gov.vn) In order to proactively ensure the
security and order, absolutely protect the
safty for activities
commemorating major holidays taking place in the province, towards protecting
the 12th National Party Congress, the Chairman of
the PPC has just issued a dispatch to request the departments, agencies, unions, districts, towns and
cities to enhance the security and order in the province.
Accordingly, requesting departments, agencies, fatherland
fronts, organizations and unions of the province; PCs of districts, towns and
cities to promote their roles and responsibilities in directing and
coordinating to mobilize the strength of the political system and the people to
actively participate in ensuring the social security and order. Promoting the
propagandation to raise the awareness of community in actively preventing and
denouncing crimes , educating criminals and law violators. At the same time,
proactively and immediately resolving contradictory cases among the people, not
allowing bad subjects to take advantage of the situation to incite and gather a
large number of people to disrupt the social security and order.
Police force proactively to assess, forecast and grasp the situation related to
the security and order to advise and propose the directions to the Provincial
Party Committee, the Provincial People’s Committee and timely to detect, fight
and prevent all conspiracies and acts of sabotage of the hostile forces,
opposing subjects, opportunists to avoid the passivity and surprise;
coordinating to settle timely and definitly the conflicts among the people to
avoid the occurance of complicated hotspots on security and order. Drastically implementing measures to attack, suppress
strongly all kinds of crimes, by all means to restrain, reduce crimes, not
allow criminals to act. Along with that, strictly complying with regulations on
receipt and handling of denunciations, crime reports, petitions for prosecution
and criminal arrest, detention, investigation and handling. Reviewing and
speeding up the investigation and discovering of cases, especially the serious,
particular serious cases, with public concern; coordinating with the People's Procuracy
and the People's Court to accelerate the prosecution and strict adjudication
process of pilot cases for crime prevention and deterrence.
In addition, the Chairman of the PPC also requests the
Military and Border Guard forces to coordinate with the Police force to
implement seriously Decree No. 03/2019/ND-CP dated September 5, 2019 of the
Government in protecting national security; ensuring social order and safety,
fighting and preventing crimes and the national defense tasks. Closely
coordinateing in the information exchange, strengthening the armed patrols,
detecting and promptly handling violations of laws and crimes, especially in
key areas, routes, seas and islands…; coordinating to implement plan A2 well,
not for crowd gathering, security and order disrupting occour
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