Addressing the unauthorized occupation of state-managed unused land at the Hoang Hon area in Phan Thiet City

( The Office of the Provincial People's Committee has recently announced the directive from the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee on inspecting and handling of information related to the article "Binh Thuan: Overwhelmed by the cluster of illegal restaurants and villas at Hoang Hon Slope" published by the Laborer Newspaper on September 9, 2024.

The article reports that illegal construction of restaurants, coffee shops, and dozens of villas has occurred on over 4,500 square meters of land, most of which is state-managed, in the Hoang Hon area of Phan Thiet. Despite the unauthorized development, these structures continue to exist unabated.

Regarding this issue, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee has instructed the Chairman of the People's Committee of Phan Thiet City to urgently inspect and address the unauthorized occupation of unused state-managed land and illegal construction as reported by the Laborer Newspaper, in accordance with legal regulations. The Chairman of Phan Thiet City is also directed to hold the Chairman of the People's Committee of Phu Hai Ward and other relevant individuals and organizations in Phan Thiet City strictly accountable, in line with Directive No. 08/CT-UBND dated July 20, 2020, on strengthening the management of construction planning and construction order in Binh Thuan Province, and Directive No. 08/CT-UBND dated October 3, 2023, on enhancing land management in Binh Thuan Province. Additionally, review and assess the responsibility of the Chairman of Phan Thiet City and the relevant city agencies and units for the occurrence of the aforementioned event. A report on the implementation of these measures must be submitted to the Provincial People's Committee by September 16, 2024.

The Department of Home Affairs is asked with monitoring the review of the organizations and individuals involved; and report to the Provincial People's Committee within the specified timeframe.


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