Announcement of meeting with businesses and investors on the afternoon of 28/8/2021
Lượt xem: 233
( Pursuant to
Dispatch no 676/UBND-KT dated 01/5/2021 of the Provincial People's Committee on
meeting with businesses for solving difficulties and obstacles for businesses
and investors; the Provincial People's Committee has just announced that the
leaders of the Provincial People's Committee will meet businesses and investors
on the afternoon of 26/8/ consider the solutions for their difficulties
and obstacles.
The Provincial People's Committee
requests businesses and investors to send difficulties, problems, causes,
specifying recommendations to the province (enclosed with a scanned copy of the
signed and stamped document; clearly stating contact address and phone number),
and register for the meeting with the PPC via the mailbox before 16/8/2021. Any recommendations
received after this date will be considered and settled later by the Provincial
People's Committee.
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