Announcing the list of administrative procedures to be abolished in the education sector

( The Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee has recently signed a decision announcing the list of administrative procedures to be abolished in the fields of continuing education, national education system, and other educational institutions within the management scope of the Provincial Department of Education and Training.

Accordingly, the list of administrative procedures to be abolished in the fields of continuing education, national education system, and other educational institutions within the management scope of the Provincial Department of Education and Training includes 06 provincial-level procedures and 04 district-level procedures.

Specifically, the 06 provincial-level administrative procedures to be abolished are: establishment of continuing education center; merging or splitting of continuing education center; dissolution of continuing education center; authorization for continuing education center to resume operation; recognition of district as meeting standards for universal education and literacy; request for evaluation and recognition of "learning community" at the district level.

The 04 district-level administrative procedures to be abolished are: the recognition of commune as meeting standards for universal education and literacy; the establishment of community learning center; the authorization for community learning center to resume operation; and the request for evaluation and recognition of "learning community" at the commune level.

Nguyễn Phương


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