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Budget revenue reached 70% of the year's estimate
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( According to the latest data from the Provincial Statistics Office, the budget revenue for the first 8 months of 2024 is estimated at 7,018 billion VND, reaching 70.18% of the year's estimate.


Specifically, the estimated budget revenue in August reaches 550 billion VND, down by 11.28% over the same period last year. The cumulative revenue for the first 8 months of 2024 is estimated at 7,018 billion VND, reaching 70.18% of the annual estimate and down by 2.11% over the same period last year, of which domestic revenue is 6,104.7 billion VND, reaching 67.79% of the annual estimate, down by 3.86% over the same period last year.


Total budget revenue includes: Tax, fee and other revenue: 5,421 billion VND, reaching 71.31% of the year's estimate, down by 8.56%; house and land revenue: 683.7 billion VND, reaching 48.73% of the year's estimate, up by 62.36% (of which, land use revenue: 442.9 billion VND, reaching 36.91% of the year's estimate, up by 36.16% over the same period last year); import-export tax revenue: 913.3 billion VND, reaching 91.79% of the year's estimate and up by 11.5% over the same period last year.


Particularly for districts, towns and cities, the revenue in the month is estimated at 228 billion VND; the accumulated revenue for the first 8 months of 2024 is 2,834.9 billion VND, reaching 83.06% of the annual estimate, up by 13.31% over the same period last year, of which, Phan Thiet: 1,136 billion VND (reaching 82.98% of the estimate, up by 39.33%); La Gi: 268.2 billion VND (reaching 140.4% of the estimate, up by 36.3%); Tuy Phong: 238.8 billion VND (reaching 70.88% of the estimate, up by 12.76%); Bac Binh: 249.4 billion VND (reaching 63.13% of the estimate, down by 24.11%); Ham Thuan Bac: 304.4 billion VND (reaching 81.83% of the estimate, up by 3.15%); Ham Thuan Nam: 218.7 billion VND (71.7% of the estimate, down by 1.78%); Tanh Linh: 82.7 billion VND (79.56% of the estimate, up by 8.05%); Duc Linh: 141.8 billion VND (112.53% of the estimate, up by 0.18%); Ham Tan: 167.1 billion VND (87.49% of the estimate, down by 12.27%) and Phu Quy: 27.7 billion VND (120.55% of the estimate, up by 19.9%)./.


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