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Competitiveness improvement and Logistics development to 2025 in Binh Thuan Province
Lượt xem: 279

( With the goal of developing logistics to a high added value service industry, contributing a proportion to the growth rate of the province, combining logistics to the development of goods production, import-export and trade in in country in general and in the province in particular, developing transport infrastructure and information technology. Strive to 2025, the contribution of logistics to the Gross regional domestic product GRDP reaches about 3% and the growth rate of logistics from 10 - 15%. The Provincial People's Committee has just issued a plan on competitiveness improvement and logistics development to 2025 in Binh Thuan province.

Accordingly, the Provincial People's Committee assigns the relevant departments, agencies and localities to organize the implementation of policies and provisions on logistics: credit policies to support the logistics enterprises. Checking, reviewing, and deploying the documents related to logistics development suitably with the actual situation and conditions of the province. Disseminating and propagating about Vietnam's international commitments related to logistics. Promoting trade facilitation activities. Researching and developing policies to support the development of logistics in the province.

The Provincial People's Committee also requests the heads of relevant agencies and units to strengthen the entire provincial management apparatus on logistics. Paying attention to, coordinating and organizing dialogues between state management agencies and logistics enterprises to grasp the situation of the operation, promptly settle the difficulties and obstacles, and create favorable conditions for the development of enterprises. Researching and applying new and advanced technologies in logistics activities. Monitoring and evaluating the system of statistical indicators and collecting logistics statistical data. Allocating budget resources for departments, agencies and localities to implement projects related to the development of logistics, etc…


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