Continue to innovate and improve the quality of public service units
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The Provincial People's Committee has just issued a Plan to implement
Resolution No. 38/NQ-CP dated April 2, 2024 of the Government promulgating the
Government's Action Program to implement Conclusion No. 62-KL/TW, dated October
2, 2023 of the Politburo on implementing Resolution No. 19-NQ/TW, dated October
25, 2017 of the 12th Party Central Committee on continuing to
innovate the organization and management system, improving the operational
quality and efficiency of public service units.
to the Plan, Binh Thuan strives to reduce the number of public service units by
39 by 2025, ensuring that each unit after arranged must have appropriate
organizational structure, structure of staff and public employees associated
with job positions, advanced management methods, enhance the application of
information technology, science and technology; Operational efficiency is
evaluated based on products and work results. Having at least 20% of units with
financial autonomy, 100% of economic and other public service units are
eligible to complete conversion into joint stock companies...
2030: Striving to have only public service units serving political tasks,
serving State management and units providing basic and essential public
services; reduce 10% of non-business payrolls paid from the state budget
compared to 2025; reduce an average of 15% of direct spending from the state
budget for public service units compared to the period 2021 - 2025.
tasks and implementation solutions: The province continues to promote
information, propaganda, and awareness raising and responsibilities of
departments, agencies, localities, and public service units, especially the
heads, leaders and managers; at the same time, providing good political and
ideological works for cadres, civil servants, public employees, and workers,
creating unity, consensus, and high determination to continue implementing
fundamental, comprehensive, and synchronous innovation in the system of public
service units. Continue to review and complete the approval of employment
positions adjustment and structure of public employees according to
professional titles according to the guidance of competent ministries. Improve
the effectiveness and efficiency of State management over the organization and
operation of units. At the same time, continue to promote autonomy, arrangement
and reorganization of public service units.