CPI in April increased due to the impact of gasoline prices
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The increase in domestic gasoline prices as world prices was the main reason
why the consumer price index (CPI) in April 2024 increased by 0.13% compared to
the previous month.
to the Provincial Statistics Office, CPI in April 2024 increased by 0.13%
compared to the previous month, by 3.77% compared to the same period last year
and by 1.45% compared to December last year. The average CPI in the first 4
months of 2024 increased by 3.43% compared to the same period last year.
to analysis by the Provincial Statistics Office, the main reason why CPI in
April increased was due to the increase in domestic gasoline prices as world
from the Provincial Statistics Department also showed that among 11 main groups
of consumer goods and services, there were 07 groups of goods with price
increases: Transportation increased by 2.18%; Household appliances and
appliances increased by 0.26%; Other goods and services increased by 0.22%;
Beverages and tobacco increased by 0.09%; Post and telecommunications increased
by 0.02%; Education increased by 0.02%; Medicines and medical services
increased by 0.01%.
the opposite direction, there were 04 product groups with price reduced: Food
and catering services decreased by 0.26%; Garments, hats and shoes decreased by
0.04%; Housing, electricity, water, fuel and construction materials decreased
by 0.03%; Culture, entertainment and tourism decreased by 0.03%./.
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