English – the third subject of the Public High School 10th Grade Entrance Exam for the school year 2020-2021
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(binhthuan.gov.vn) Binh Thuan
Department of Education and Training has just issued a letter announcing the
third subject of the public high school 10th grade entrance exam for
the school year 2020-2021.
Accordingly, the
public high school 10th grade entrance exam this year, beside the 02 compulsory
subjects as Math and
Literature, the third subject is English. The Department of Education and
Training request
the principals of high schools in the province; Heads of Education Department of districts,
towns and cities; Heads of Phu Quy Social-Culture Division to deploy and
inform the officials,
teachers, parents and students. At the same time, proposing the mass media to inform widely and publicly the
people and students about the subjects of the Public High School 10th
Grade Entrance Exam for the school year 2020-2021.
As scheduled, the Public High School 10th
Grade Entrance Exam for the school year 2020-2021 will take place in 02 days, from 24
– 25/7/2020.