Enterprises are optimistic on the production and business in Quarter IV/2022
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( Along
with the increase in the number of newbies in 9 months, enterprises also assess
that the business situation in the quarter IV/2022 will be stable and better
than in the quarter III.
The survey result on
production and business trends in the processing and manufacturing industry,
conducted by the Provincial Statistics Office shows that: 84.85% of enterprises
assessed their production and business situation in the quarter IV/2022 will be
stable and better, of which 54.55% of enterprises evaluate the trend will be
better; 30.3% of enterprises think that the production and business situation
is stable and 15.15% forecast more difficult.
Meanwhile, for
foreign-invested enterprises (FDI): only 37.5% had positive assessment on the
business and production situation; 12.5% rated it stables and 50.0% rated it
negative. In contrast to FDI enterprises, 100% of state-owned enterprises in
the survey said that production and business activities tend to be better.
Figure of the
Provincial Statistics Office also shows that, as of September 14, 2022, there
were 1,156 newly established enterprises (including 507 affiliated units), an
increase of 59.23% over the same period in 2021; registered capital is 6,918.25
billion dong, reduced by 3.83%; there were 208 enterprises re-operated
(including 48 affiliated units), an increase of 6.12%; suspend operation: 341
enterprises (including 73 affiliated units), an increase of 45.11%; the number
of enterprises registered to change is 1,094 enterprises (including 249
affiliated units), an increase of 27.95%; conversion of business: 74
enterprises, an increase of 51.02% over the same period in 2021. The number of
dissolved enterprises is 233 (including 147 affiliated units), an increase of
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