Exciting activities of Culture and Sports Festival in 4 mountainous communes, Bac Binh district
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The XXVII Culture and Sports Festival 2023 in 4 mountainous communes, Bac Binh
district was excitingly taken place in Phan Dien Commune from 05-06/01.
Participating the Festival, there were the presence of 160 actors, artisans,
village elders, reputable people and the people of 4 communes of Phan Dien,
Phan Tien, Phan Lam and Phan Son.

in the festival, the people of 4 mountainous communes were immersed in the
following activities: Camp building and tree decoration contest; crossbow
shooting; men's mini soccer; pounding rice; cook rice; arts and costumes performance
… Thereby recreating, introducing and promoting traditional cultural values,
aiming to build a healthy cultural environment from the grassroots in the
spirit of Resolution TW9 (XI term) on "Building and developing Vietnamese
culture meeting the requirements of sustainable development of the
is known that the Culture and Sports Festival in 4 mountainous communes, Bac
Binh district is one of the activities to implement effectively the Party and
State's policies on ethnic affairs. At the same time, practically celebrating
the 93rd founding anniversary of the Communist Party of Vietnam
(February 3, 1930 - February 3, 2023). The activities create a joyful, healthy
and united atmosphere on the occasion of the first rice crop festival of the ethnic
Phạm Huệ