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Fishery production in 9 months is estimated to increase by 2.64% over the same period last year
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( According to the Statistics Office, in the first 9 months of the year, seafood exploitation output is estimated at 175,887.1 tons, up by 2.64% over the same period last year (of which marine exploitation is estimated at 175,462.8 tons, increased by 2.41%). Particularly, September is estimated to reach 21,339 tons, up by 2.4% over the same period (of which marine exploitation is estimated at 21,280 tons, increased by 2.4%).


The aquaculture area in the month is estimated at 248.6 hectares, down by 2.9% over the same period last year; accumulated in the first 9 months of 2023 is estimated to reach 2,305.1 hectares, down by 5.5% over the same period last year (of which fish farming area is 1,758.4 hectares, down by 8.9%; shrimp farming area is 466.1 hectares, down by 3.9.8%).


Due to the unstable aquaculture situation, commercial shrimp prices decreased in the first 6 months of the year, farming households limited stocking, reducing harvest output. Farming output in September is estimated at 1,327.5 tons; accumulated in the first 9 months of 2023 is estimated to reach 7,760.8 tons, down by 13.41% over the same period last year. On the other hand, the situation of shrimp seed production and business in the province during the month encountered difficulties due to a decrease in the consumer market, many production facilities have not yet stabilized operation, due to the situation of commercial shrimp farming nationwide facing many difficulties, the investment cost of shrimp farming has increased and the farming efficiency is low, so shrimp farming businesses have limited the release of shrimp seeds. Shrimp seed output produced in the month is estimated at 2.3 billion post, down by 1.3% over the same period last year; accumulated in the first 9 months of 2023 is estimated to reach 15.6 billion animals, down by 4.1% over the same period last year.


In addition, the patrol, control and protection of aquatic resources have been strengthened by the authorities. At fishing ports, inspection and control of fisheries has been organized to serve the prevention and fight against IUU exploitation. During the month, 52 decisions were issued with a total fine of 601 million VND for violations of storing electric shock tools, using unregistered fishing vessels, failure to re-register fishing vessels, exploiting aquatic products not in accordance with the occupation stated in the fishing license, failure to notify or incomplete notification of information as prescribed to the fishing port authorities before leaving or entering the fishing port according to regulations, the captain is unsatisfied for required certificate. From the beginning of 2023 to 05/8 2023, 197 decisions have been issued with a total fine of 2.1 billion VND.


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