Ham Thuan Nam to strengthen the prevention and elimination of malaria
Lượt xem: 248
(binhthuan.gov.vn) Ham Thuan Nam District
People's Committee has just issued a document requesting Heads of divisions, agencies,
units and Chairpersons of People's Committees of communes and towns to
strengthen the prevention, control and elimination of malaria in the district.
Accordingly, the District
Health Center shall continue to closely monitor and supervise the epidemic
situation in the district; review and supplement the malaria prevention,
control and elimination plan for 2023, and the malaria prevention and
elimination plan for the next period. Review and consolidate microscope sites,
provide training to improve monitoring and testing skills for grassroots health
care. Timely detect cases of malaria using microscopy or rapid diagnostic tests
to limit missed patients. Organize and thoroughly localize and treat disease
cases and outbreaks, and prevent disease-carrying mosquitoes according to
proper procedures. Improve the diagnostic and treatment of malaria for medical
examination and treatment facilities in the district; follow the instructions
for malaria diagnostic and treatment, ensuring the correct use and the right
dose of medication for the patient to minimize malignant malaria,
malaria-related deaths and anti-malarial drug resistance. Consolidate and
promote the operational efficiency of the commune and village health care
system. Regularly inspect and supervise medical facilities to ensure sufficient
chemicals, biological products, medicines and equipment for malaria prevention
and control in communes and towns...
The Division of Culture and Information, Center for
Culture, Information and Sports of the district shall strengthen communication
on mass media, disseminate risks and behavior change in implementing malaria prevention
measures for at-risk groups and people in malaria-endemic areas.
The District Division of Education and Training shall
organize the integrated communication at schools, kindergartens, preschools
about malaria, dengue fever and hand, foot and mouth diseases...; guide
students to apply biological remedies and many other folk remedies. Organize
general environmental cleaning to collect waste, clear bushes, and ask students
to propagate and mobilize their families and neighborhood to kill larvae and
People's Committees of communes and towns shall coordinate
with the health sector to manage people at risk of malaria, helping grassroots
health care to reach all people at risk. Instruct business units and employers
located in the area to coordinate, manage, and declare to the local health
facilities the number of workers, employees, forest workers, farmers to prepare
effective malaria prevention measures for these subjectives.
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