In 2023: The whole province strives to reach 6,500 blood units from voluntary donations
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( According
to the Provincial Red Cross Society, in 2023, the whole province will mobilize
6,500 blood units or more from voluntary humanitarian blood donation (HBD) as
assigned by the National Steering Committee for Humanitarian Blood Donation.
Accordingly, the
Provincial Red Cross Society will mobilize all people who meet the prescribed
health conditions to voluntarily participate in blood donation; districts,
towns, cities and agencies and units in the province.
In order to well
implement the set goal, the Provincial Red Cross Society will direct and urge
the Red Cross Associations at all levels to carry out the campaign of HBD
according to the set plan, to organize mobile and unexpected blood collections
at the Provincial Hospital; to prepare plans, announces the monthly blood
donation schedule for the units to mobilize blood donors and preside over the
mobilization and assignment of forces to receive blood. Fully and promptly
implementing regimes and policies for voluntary blood donors as prescribed; organizing
propaganda activities; summarizing, honoring and rewarding voluntary blood
donation in the province.
Particularly for
hospitals that receive and use donated blood, they must appoint doctors for
health checks and specialized technical units for testing and receiving blood; preparing
sufficient emergency medicine, tools, equipment and medical supplies to receive
blood. Preparing equipment for disease prevention and control for blood donors
and blood collection participants (medical masks, hand sanitizer, etc.). Paying
allowances for voluntary blood donors and expenses for blood donation
organizers according to current regulations. Issuing HBD Certificate for blood
donors. Arranging vehicles for the mobile blood reception groups.
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