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Infection prevention on diseases caused by transporting, trading and consuming poultry and poultry products smuggled into Binh Thuan
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( Implementing the Urgent Dispatch No. 1030/CD-BNN-TY, dated February 26, 2023 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development on preventing the smuggling and illegal transportation of poultry and poultry products smuggled into Vietnam; At the same time, in order to prevent the risk of disease infection caused by transporting, trading and consuming poultry and poultry products smuggled into the province, which affects seriously livestock development, food safety and health of the people, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee has just assigned the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development to chair over, and coordinate with the Provincial Market Surveillance, the Provincial Public Security, relevant departments and agencies, and the People's Committees of districts and towns, city to urgently organize the synchronous implementation of solutions and tasks under the direction of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. During the implementation, if there are any difficulty or problem, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development shall promptly report and advise the Provincial People's Committee for settlement.


Under the Urgent Dispatch No. 1030 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, recently a human death caused by avian Influenza (CGC) A/H5N1 virus has been detected in Prey Veng province, Cambodia. In order to prevent the risk of disease infection due to the transportation, trade and consumption of poultry and poultry products smuggled into Vietnam, causing serious impacts on livestock development, food safety and health of the people, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has proposed the Chairman of the People's Committees of the provinces and centrally-run cities to direct the local departments, agencies and authorities at all levels to organize the synchronous implementation of the solutions in accordance with the Law on Veterinary Medicine, documents guiding the implementation of the Law, Decision No. 172/QD-TTg dated February 13, 2019 of the Prime Minister on the approval of the "National plan for disease prevention and control" CGC in the period of 2019 - 2025”.


In addition, strengthening inspection, supervision and control, especially at border gates, trails, open paths in border areas, seaports, riverways, etc., to promptly detect and strictly handle cases of illegal trading, slaughtering, transporting poultry and poultry products into Vietnam, especially the southern border provinces. In case of catching shipments of animals and animal products illegally transported, they must be destroyed immediately (before destruction, samples should be taken and sent to veterinary agencies for disease testing).


On the other hand, directing police forces and border guards to set up special projects to fight against subjects transporting and trading in smuggled poultry and poultry products across the borders; coordinate with local authorities to arrest and strictly handle cases of illegal import of poultry and poultry products; propagandize people in border areas about the dangers of avian flu and the harmful effects of trading and transporting poultry without quarantine and of unknown origin. Directing local market surveillance forces to strengthen circulation control measures, promptly detect and strictly handle cases of illegal transport and trading of animals and animal products into Vietnam, poultry and poultry products of unknown origin on the market.


Also, reporting timely, completely and accurately the epidemic situation through the Viet Nam Animal Health Information System (VAHIS) in accordance with current regulations; organizing inspection and strictly handling cases of non-reporting, hiding epidemics, spreading epidemics.


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