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New points in the High School Graduation Exam 2020
Lượt xem: 326

( In 2020, the Regulation on high school graduation exam issued by the Ministry of Education and Training has many new points.

Specifically, there are 05 new points, including: Strengthening the autonomy of localities (provinces/cities directly under the Central Government), the Chairman of the provincial People's Committee is fully responsible for directing the organization of the Exam; exam date: 02 days (9, 10/8/2020); higher education institutions do not take part in exam monitoring and grading, only participate in the inspection teams to inspect, examine and supervise the stages of the Exam; In addition to the inspection teams of the Ministry of Education and Training and the Department of Education and Training, the provincial Inspectorate shall organize inspection teams for all stages of organizing the Exam under the direction of the Provincial People's Committee and instructions of the Government Inspectorate; performing the collation, comparison and analysis of the exam results and the high school learning results of candidates.

Reportedly, the High School Graduation Exam this year will organize 05 tests in 2 days, including: 03 independent tests: Math, Literature, Foreign Language; 01 combination test of Natural Sciences including the composition of Physics, Chemistry and Biology; 01 combination test of Social Sciences including the composition of History, Geography, and Citizenship for candidates studying high school education program or the composition of History, Geography for candidates studying high school continuing education program.

The tests of Math, Foreign Language, Natural Sciences and Social Sciences take the form of objective multiple choice tests; Literary test in the form of essay. Accordingly, the exam time of each subject: Literature 120 minutes; Math 90 minutes; Foreign Language 60 minutes; 50 minutes for each composition subjects of the combination test of Natural Sciences and Social Sciences.

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