Pass rate of High School Graduation Exam in 2022 reached 98.52%
Lượt xem: 366

The High School Graduation Exam in 2022 took place in 2 days, from July 8 to 9,
2022. According to statistics, the rate of candidates passing the exam in the
whole province reached 98.52% (98.53% in 2021). In which, the high school and
continuing education system reached the rate of 98.62%, the high school system
alone reached the rate of 99.15%.
As known, Binh Thuan
province had a total of 12,778 candidates registered for the exam this year.
Including: 11,882 students in grade 12 for the school year 2021 - 2022; 338
candidates in grade 12 of the continuing education system in the school year
2021 - 2022 and 558 free-lance candidates with 546 exam rooms. As a result, in
02 test days with 10 subjects, there were 198 absent candidates, most of them
are free-lance candidates.
Candidates have 2
ways to look up exam scores for the High School Graduation Exam in 2022.
Specifically, 1st method: Candidates log into the account provided on the Exam
Management software (http://thisinh.thitotnghiepthpt. to look for the
score. 2nd method: Access the address:, enter the
registration number to look for the score.
The Department of
Education and Training notes that, after having scores, candidates wishing to re-examine
the exam can apply at the place of registration from July 24 to August 3.
Within 15 days from the deadline for receiving the re-examination application,
candidates will be notified re-examination results by the Examination Board.
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