People now can pay voluntary social insurance and household health insurance online

( In order to carry out the procedure
quickly, conveniently, saving costs and time, people can pay voluntary social
insurance (SI) and household health insurance (HI) in the forms of direct or
Direct form
submit dossiers and pay voluntary SI and HI premiums according to regulations
at service organizations authorized to collect SI and HI or SI agencies where
they reside or temporarily reside.
Online form
can pay voluntary SI and household HI online through the Public Service Portal
(DVC) of Vietnam Social Insurance or National DVC portal with highly automated
processes; or on the online application of some banks to ensure fast and
convenient transactions. As follows:
Vietnam Social Insurance Service Portal or National DVC Portal
can complete procedures on the National DVC Portal (at address: or the Vietnam Social
Insurance DVC Portal (at address: Applicable
cases include: First time registration for participation in voluntary SI; payments
of voluntary SI; Renewal of household health insurance cards (including cases
with reduction or non-deduction in the premium rate).
order to facilitate people participating in household HI, at present, Vietnam
Social Insurance is actively coordinating with the Ministry of Public Security
to exploit household database to serve the implementation of DVC Registration
for household HI (for new participants).
online applications of 05 banks
Vietnam Social Security has signed bilateral electronic payment agreements with
05 banking systems, including: Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of
Vietnam (Vietcombank), Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV),
Military Commercial Joint Stock Bank (MB), Vietnam Bank for Agriculture and
Rural Development (Agribank), and Vietnam Join Stock Commercial Bank for
Industry and Trade (Viettinbank) to create maximum advantages for people and
businesses in participating and benefiting from SI and HI policies in
accordance with the Government's direction on promoting non-cash payment.
Accordingly, participants can make SI and HI transactions right on these banks'
online applications with simple and easy-to-implement operations. Applicable
cases include: payments of voluntary SI; Renewal of household HI cards with non-deduction
in the premium rate.
The payment of voluntary SI and household HI on online
applications of banks shall be carried out by the following steps:
1: Log in to the bank's application, find the Social Insurance section
(depending on the interface of the applications, this item may be in the
Payment or State Budget section).
2: Select the type of service you want to conduct, which is to pay voluntary SI
or renewing your HI card; select the submitter for individual or institutional
customers; select the province or city where the voluntary SI/HI premium is
registered; enter the SI book number/ HI card number or the SI object code if
the payer is an organization; Check and confirm payment information.
3: Enter the OTP code sent by the Bank to complete the transaction.
the advantage of fast, convenient transactions and can be done anywhere,
anytime on devices (computers, smartphones...) with internet connection, the
registration for online payment of voluntary SI, household HI through the DVC
Portal and online applications of several banks have been responded and
appreciated by the people. According to statistics, in 2022 and the first 4
months of 2023 (up to the end of April 09, 2023), Vietnam Social Security has
received and settled about 51,433 cases of renewal transactions of household HI
cards; 7,216 cases of paying voluntary SI through the National DVC Portal.
the coming time, Vietnam Social Security will continue to vigorously implement
the application of information technology, promoting digital transformation,
step by step perfecting the "social insurance ecosystem 4.0" to
deploy more utilities to give the best service for participants of SI, HI and
unemployment insurance./.
Hữu Tri