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Program on care and improvement of employees’ health, prevention of occupational diseases in the period 2020 – 2030 in the province
Lượt xem: 198

( Recently, the Provincial People's Committee has issued Plan for the program on care and improvement of the employees' health and prevention of occupational diseases for the period 2020 - 2030 in Binh Thuan province.

Accordingly, the overall goals of the Program are to protect, take care for and improve the employees' health; promote healthy lifestyles, healthy nutrition at work in order to prevent and combat illnesses and occupational diseases for employees, ensuring the quality of human resources, contributing to the sustainable development of the province.

The program also sets out specific objectives, such as: Completing the construction of the database on monitoring of working environment, occupational diseases by 2025 and connecting to the national data system by 2030; manage 50% of the establishments with harmful factors by 2025 and 80% by 2030. Checking the working environment monitoring: 30% of the establishments with harmful factors causing occupational diseases by 2025 and 50% by 2030; 100% of labor establishments using asbestos monitored and observed the working environment in accordance with regulations by 2025. By 2025: Integrating health care services for employees without labor contracts into the primary health care activities at basic health care units (according to the Project on building and developing the basic health care network in the new situation in the province); 100% of establishments are consulted about non-infectious diseases, and taking measures to prevent and improve health, nutrition, and hygiene suitable to the working conditions, increase physical activities at work place …

The program is implemented throughout the province, including establishments, employers, employees; places the priority to small and medium establishments, agricultural sectors, craft villages, female employees, elderly employees and employees without labor contracts and health care facilities.

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