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Solutions for fire safety and rescue in the dry season 2023
Lượt xem: 440

( In order to proactively and effectively deploy tasks and solutions to ensure fire safety and rescue in the dry season, the Spring Festival 2023, and protect the safety of major events of the country and the province in 2023; the Provincial People's Committee has just directed the departments, agencies, People's Committees of districts, towns and cities and requested the Provincial Front and mass organizations to implement a number of tasks and targets in fire prevention and fighting, and rescue in 2023.


Specifically, agencies, organizations, enterprises and establishments shall regularly organize and maintain the self-inspection of fire safety; promptly overcome loopholes and shortcomings in fire prevention and fighting, and rescue, minimizing the risk of fire and explosion; strictly abiding the recommendations of the inspection teams on fire prevention and fighting, and rescue, completely overcoming the loopholes and shortcomings in fire prevention and fighting that the inspection and examination teams point out (if any).


The Provincial People's Committee has assigned the Provincial Public Security to synchronously deploy tasks and solutions to ensure fire safety in the dry season; to protect safety from large fires and explosions causing serious damage during the Spring Festival 2023 and important events of the country and the province. Chairing over and coordinating with agencies, units and localities in inspecting the remedy for shortcomings, omissions and violations in fire prevention and fighting to handle the facilities at high risk of fire and explosion, which can cause serious damage to people and property, or fail to ensure safety in fire prevention and fighting but still operate. Investigating and clarifying the causes of fires and explosions, prosecuting and proposing criminal prosecution in cases of serious violations according to regulations. Organizing lessons learned from fires, proposing functional agencies and local authorities to overcome loopholes and omissions, to review and handle the responsibilities of collectives and individuals in the state administration on fire safety and rescue.


The Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism shall direct and review the granting of business eligibility licenses, strengthens guidance, inspection and examination of karaoke services according to the provisions of Decree No. 54/2019 /ND-CP dated June 19, 2019 of the Government; resolutely revoking the license when the facility fails to ensure the conditions for fire prevention, fighting, security and order in accordance with the law. Promoting propaganda and dissemination of the law and knowledge on fire safety and rescue on the loudspeaker system at grassroots level, ensuring fire safety and rescue for establishments under their administration.


The people's Committees of districts, towns and city shall promote propaganda in the dry season, the Spring Festival 2023; the role of local forces in monitoring and preventing the occurrence of house fires causing serious damage, grass fires spreading into forests, gardens, constructions, and power lines; preventing illegal fireworks in localities during festivals.


Directing the commune-level People's Committee to drastically implement the consolidation of the civil defense forces; at the same time, ensuring the operating funds for the civil defense forces according to Resolution No. 11 dated July 7, 2022 of the Provincial People's Council and relevant laws. Reviewing establishments under management on fire prevention and fighting in accordance with the actual situation; listing 100% of establishments under Appendix IV of Decree No. 136/2020/ND-CP dated November 24, 2020 of the Government to manage according to regulations to prevent fires causing serious loss of life and property due to the vacancy or omission of the premises without propaganda, inspection and instruction on fire prevention and fighting...



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