State budget revenue reached nearly 70% of the estimate for the first 6 months of 2022
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Theo số liệu từ Cục Thống kê tỉnh, ước thu ngân sách 6 tháng đầu năm 2022 ước đạt
5.904,02 tỷ đồng, đạt 69,56% dự toán năm và giảm 11,43% so với cùng kỳ năm
2021; trong đó thu nội địa đạt 5.181,12 tỷ đồng, đạt 72,08% dự toán năm, giảm
According to the
Provincial Statistics Office, the budget revenue for the first 6 months of 2022
is estimated at 5,904.02 billion VND, reaching 69.56% of the yearly estimate
and reduced by 11.43% over the same period in 2021; in which domestic revenue
is 5,181.12 billion VND, reaching 72.08% of the year estimate, reduced by
Total budget revenue
includes: Taxes, fees and other revenues: 4,742.07 billion dong, reaching
80.27% of the year estimate, increased by 2.86%; collection of house and land
fees: 439.05 billion dong, reaching 34.30% of the year estimate, reduced by
62.09% (of which land use levy is 341.84 billion dong, reaching 31.08% of the
year estimate, reduced by 66,28% over the same period in 2021); import and
export tax revenue is 722.91 billion dong, reaching 55.61% of the year estimate
and reduced by 19.46%.
Accumulated for the
first 6 months of 2022, the total budget expenditure is estimated at 7,802.03
billion VND; in which state budget expenditure in the first 6 months of 2022 is
estimated at 5,877.57 billion VND (expenditure for investment and development
is 2,968.98 billion VND, recurrent expenditure is 2,908.46 billion VND)./.
Hữu Tri