Strengthening traffic order and safety in road transport business activities under the new conditions

( Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, Nguyễn Hồng Hải, has recently signed a plan to implement Directive No. 23/CT-TTg dated July 26, 2024, issued by the Prime Minister, on enhancing traffic order and safety in road transport business activities under the new conditions.

The objective of the plan is to strengthen state management in road transport activities, ensuring fairness and equality among different types of transport businesses. It aims to improve the quality of transport services to better meet the public’s travel needs, while ensuring security and traffic safety. Additionally, the plan seeks to contribute to the reduction of traffic accidents related to road transport business activities in the province.

To ensure traffic order and safety for road transport business activities under the new conditions, the Provincial People's Committee has outlined several tasks and solutions for implementation. These include: Enhancing efforts to disseminate and educate the public about traffic laws and regulations related to road transport; Boosting inspection, monitoring, and enforcement activities to address and penalize violations in road transport; Enhancing the safety conditions of road infrastructure to better support road transport activities; Improving the capacity of medical, rescue, and emergency services to assist victims and address the aftermath of traffic accidents; Keeping up-to-date with information, databases, and reporting mechanisms to support effective management and response.

According to the directive from Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, Nguyễn Hồng Hải, relevant departments, agencies, organizations, and the People's Committees of districts, towns, and cities are required to promptly develop detailed plans to implement the tasks outlined in this plan for 2024 and the following years.


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