Successful emergency treatment of newborn with severe septic shock


( The Binh Thuan Provincial General Hospital recently announced the successful emergency care and treatment of a newborn who was suffering from severe septic shock and a clotting disorder.

The patient, N.T.T.T, was admitted to Binh Thuan Provincial General Hospital where she underwent a cesarean section, resulting in the birth of a 3,500-gram baby boy. Post-delivery, the infant suffered from respiratory arrest, generalized cyanosis, and irregular heartbeats, indicating a high risk of mortality. Immediate cardiopulmonary resuscitation and intubation were performed, and the newborn was transferred to the Pediatrics Department. There, doctors continued emergency resuscitation and carried out necessary diagnostic and clinical procedures. The infant was diagnosed with vitamin K deficiency shock, intracranial hemorrhage, and neonatal septic shock.

During the treatment, the infant's condition was complex, necessitating continuous and intensive emergency resuscitation by the Pediatrics Department. The medical team employed a comprehensive range of supportive and specific treatments. After more than 20 days of care, the infant began breathing independently, displayed a sucking reflex, and showed stable health, allowing for his discharge from the hospital.

Doctors recommend that regular prenatal check-ups are crucial and highly necessary for pregnant women. Some pregnant women may have infections without showing clinical symptoms. From the early stages of pregnancy, mothers should adhere to the scheduled prenatal visits to effectively monitor and promptly intervene in any potential infections that could affect the fetus.


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