Summary Conference on the movement of workers, officials and laborers
Lượt xem: 377

( On the morning of January 5, the Provincial
Labor Confederation held a Summarize Conference on the movement of workers,
officers, laborers and activities of trade union in 2022, deploying tasks for
2023. Attending the conference, there were representatives of provincial
departments and agencies; representatives of district-level labor unions and sector-level
trade unions…
the 2022 theme, "Taking care of employees and striving to accomplish all
the goals of the Resolutions of the Trade Union Congress at all levels, the Resolutions
of the XII Congress of Vietnam Trade Union"; the trade unions at all
levels in the province have had good and creative solutions and ways of doing
things, with many innovations in content and modes of operation, increasingly
focused on the grassroots for the workers, with many practical and effective
activities meeting requirements and aspirations for taking care of life;
protecting the legitimate rights and interests of union members and
employees... Thereby, gathered and encouraged a large number of employees participating
in many labor, production and work emulation movements; participating in
creative working emulation to contribute to perform successfully the socio-economic
development targets and tasks of the sector, the localities and the province.
At the Conference, the delegates focused on discussing and
contributing to the report of the trade union activities in 2022, as well as
proposing solutions and missions for 2023.

On this occasion, the Executive Board of the Vietnam General
Confederation of Labor presented Certificates of Merit to many collectives and
individuals with outstanding achievements in the movement of good labor
emulation and building a strong trade union in the school year 2021 - 2022;
movement "capable of national affairs - duteous at housework" in the school year 2021-2022. Awarded the creative title in
the patriotic emulation movement 2021 to 1 individual and Emulation flags to 4
units that achieved excellent and leading in the movement on emulation and
construction of a strong trade union in the school year 2021 - 2022.

After the Conference, the Standing Committee of the Provincial
Labor Confederation launched a patriotic emulation movement among employees
with a vibrant, strong and comprehensive spirit in all fields of social life.
At the same time, the Provincial Labor Confederation signed the emulation agreement
2023 with its affiliated units.
Phạm Huệ