The 2023 - 2024 school year plan for preschool, general education and continuing education in the province

The Provincial People's Committee has just promulgated the decision approving
the 2023-2024 school year plan for preschool, general education and continuing
education in the province.
all grades will open on September 5, 2023. Regarding the time to return to
school, pre-school and primary school will return to school on August 28, grade
1 will be on August 21; secondary school, high school, continuing education
will return to school on August 29, 2023.
the study time for the 2023 – 2024 school year, the preschools and primary schools
starts the first semester from September 6, 2023 to January 12, 2024; secondary,
high school, continuing education starts from September 6, 2023 to January 14,
2024. Semester II at all levels starts from January 15 to May 24, 2024;
completion of the school year program will be on May 24, 2024. Ending and
summarizing the school year for preschool, secondary school, high school and
continuing education will be on May 30, 2024; primary school will be on May 31,
with that, the 2024 high school graduation exam, the national excellent student
exam and the national science and technology exam are under the guidance of the
Ministry of Education and Training. Particularly, the provincial grade 12 excellent
student exam and selection exam for provincial team participating in the national
excellent student exam will be on 14,15/10/2023; the provincial grade 9
excellent student exam will be on 05, 06, 07/4/2024; the entrance exam to grade
10 of the Provincial Boarding High School for Ethnic Minorities will be on
30/5/2024; entrance exam to grade 10 of public high school will be on 03, 04,
05 and 06/6/2024.
the recognition of secondary school graduation will be completed before June
30, 2024; admission to grade 6 will be completed before July 31, 2024;
completion consideration for the primary school program will be completed before
June 30, 2024; admission to grade 1 will be completed before July 31, 2024.
Lunar New Year holidays, public holidays and annual leave of teachers are
implemented in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code.
Provincial People's Committee assigns the Department of Education and Training
to be responsible for thoroughly implementing the Decision in accordance with
the actual situation of each locality in the entire education and training
sector in the province.
Phạm Huệ